My Poem Eden’s Cur was published in NewMyths Issue 43, June 2018
Read my poem, Additions to St. Hildegard’s Physica
Published here
Buy Incorrect Astronomy on Amazon
(Collection of Poetry: 2013) Aldrich Press.
Fly Fishing in Middle Earth 1992 American Tolkien Society
Regular Contributor to Wilderness Interface Zone
Temptations in the Desert
String Theory
Her Father’s Critique
Courthouse Wash on a January Morning
The Antlion
Pond Ducks
As Nature Beckons to the Desolate Machine
Published Peoms
Additions to St. Hildegard’s Physica, 2017, Prairie Schooner 91 (2)
The Steam Wolves Hunt 2013 Abyss & Apex
What the Ant Knows & Walks the Ape Warder 2012 Silver Blade
Patchwork 2011 Exponent II Winter
The Complete Text of the First Ten Volumes of Dr. Fleckwain’s Very, Very Short Steampunk Novels 2011 The Pedestal Magazine
The five known sutras of Mechanical Man 2010 Tales of the Talisman 6:4 (Nominated for the Rhysling Award)
Winter Gifts 2010 Victorian Violet 5
Sage 2008 Red Rock Review July
Ant Lion 2007 Glyphs III, 141-143
A spider teaches the Fall without a recommend 2005 Irreantum
Reflections of Stellar Ecology 1993 BYU Studies 33:4
The Slaying of Trickster Gods 1992 Bellowing Ark
Advice on Correct Astronomy 1991 BYU Studies 31:1
Winton Night Walks 1988 Dialogue 21:2